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The Results Are In!
June 12, 2024

The Results Are In!

by Cate Longino

A big thank you to everyone who participated in our 2024 goDCgo Commuter Challenge! With over 1,600 participants, this year’s Commuter Challenge broke records. Over the last 3 months, we collectively logged 91,215 sustainable trips, reducing 232 tons of CO2 in the District, burning 6.2 million calories, and saving $0.3 million collectively. These choices have a huge collective impact; thank you to our Challenge participants for doing their part to help make DC the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the nation!

Stats screensot

Celebrating Our Employers

We’d like to give a shoutout to the 13 employers who participated in this year’s Challenge and congratulate our top performing employer, the American College of Cardiology (ACC)! Your efforts to promote sustainable transportation at your organization do not go unnoticed. ACC will will receive a catered winner’s lunch with certificates and gift cards for the MVPs. They’ll also receive a glass award and digital promotion in Greater Greater Washington to honor their success.

This year’s employer leaderboard ranked as follows:

  1. American College of Cardiology
  2. Organization of American States
  3. World Resources Institute
  4. International Monetary Fund
  5. District Department of Transportation
  6. United States Department of State
  7. So Others Might Eat
  8. Inter-American Development Bank
  9. World Bank
  10. DC Public Schools
  11. Georgetown Day School
  12. Google
  13. Children’s National Hospital

Top Performing Commuters

In addition to those who participated with their employers, many independently-registered commuters took the initiative to log their trips, too! Congratulations to our top three commuters:

  1. Mae (533 trips)
  2. Javi (528 trips)
  3. Jennifer (522 trips)

Mae, our top performing commuter, will receive a loaded commuter backpack ($500 value) filled with Beats by Dre Noise Cancelling Headphones, an Amazon gift card, and even more surprises!

Our Sponsors

The Challenge would not have been possible without our incredible sponsors, who provided exciting prizes to keep participants motivated! Thank you to Pizzeria Paradiso, Pacers Running, The Hay-Adams, Pendry Washington DC, the Washington Nationals, the Washington Spirit, and REI for sponsoring the Challenge. 



Looking Ahead

We can’t wait to give even more rewards to sustainable commuters in next year’s Commuter Challenge! Sign up for goDCgo’s Commuter Newsletter for updates on the next Commuter Challenge and other giveaways throughout the year.


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